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What If Elon Musk Woke Up in Your Bed Tomorrow?

June 25, 2018

What If Elon Musk Woke Up in Your Bed Tomorrow?

Not to worry, you will not be in the same bed with him when he wakes up!

Imagine if, by some miracle, Elon Musk’s consciousness was transferred into your mind and he had to live your life for one whole year. This means that he would go to work in your job, would have the same group of friends you have, have your same bank balance & the same 24 hours per day you have.

When he finally leaves your body at the end of the year, do you think your life would have been vastly improved by then?

If you believe that it would be better, you need to ask why would Elon Musk do a better job living your life with the same resources than you can?

It all boils down to your mindset vs Elon Musk’s. This is best explained as the difference between a regular cook & a great chef. A regular cook starts with the food ingredients they have, figures out what regular recipes require those ingredients and cooks the dish following the cookbook’s instructions. A great chef on the other hand starts with the same ingredients and wonder how he can amaze his customer with something unique. He will add interesting spices, will cut the vegetables in an artistic way and arrange the food imaginatively on the plate to present the customer with a delight for all the senses.

Similarly, Elon Musk would start with the same resources you have and may find more imaginative ways to leverage them. He would be more ambitious about what your job or business should be by the end of the year. He would read books and websites that give him useful information he can apply. He could call people in your network that you never thought of to help him reach his goals. He would spend less time on TV & social media and work on activities that helped him reach his target. Most importantly, he would have a razor-sharp focus on what needs to be done to get what he wants and say ‘no’ to anything that does not help him achieve this.

Luck can make an entrepreneur triumph once but can’t sustain a lifetime of success. There are many examples of one-hit entrepreneur wonders those who cashed out in the Dot-Com bubble but haven’t created successful businesses the second time. A strong mindset is what allowed Elon Musk to grow from a bullied child from a poor broken home in South Africa to a billionaire who has started multiple successful ventures like Paypal, Tesla, Space X and Hyperloop.

So, what stops you from cultivating the same mindset as Elon Musk? It’s important to realize that having this mindset does not require access to more money or influential contacts. It just requires a strong ambition and the willingness to dedicate all time and resources to achieving it.

So, Elon Musk mind may not possess your body when you wake up tomorrow, but Elon Musk’s mindset definitely can!

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